What Great Leaders Know

Long work to do list? Start with One

What Great Leaders Know- Start With One

Facing a long work to-do list? Start with one task to make progress and stay productive. When dealing with a long work to-do list, start with one task at a time.

From 50 things to do to 1

My wife taught me a very valuable lesson to help me in a time of great frustration.  I had started a new job and inherited many, many operational issues. Directing 115 front line employees alone was a ridiculous situation and working long hours didn’t help. While I worked on finding another job, I made a list of important things to do.  I stopped writing when I reached 50!  Frustrated mounted as day after day, I attacked my list, but never made any progress. Amy convinced me to take a different approach- start with one thing from the long work to-do list and when you can get one thing done, expand your list to two and so on.  

A long work to-do list can be overwhelming; start with one task at a time to manage stress effectively. I went back to work the next day fixing my 1 issue- payroll. Having improved the payroll process, I moved on and attacked the work schedule.  The other things I simply let go until I could get to them, which was hard, but necessary. 

Take the Pressure Off

Sticking with the 1 thing approach lifted the weight of the world from my shoulders and I enjoyed my job again because I was doing my best and I could only do what I could do in that circumstance.  What I did not expect was our team performing better. But fixing my most important issue was fixing everyone’s most important issue.  Everyone benefitted. 

Facing overwhelming challenges, like trying to manage 115 employees alone, all we can do is our best. So, act accordingly. Thanks Amy!

What Great Leaders Know- Start with One

Managing a long work to-do list? Start with one priority first.

When we try to do too much we accomplish nothing

Prioritize your actions

Take advice from the wise people you know


